First off, thank you for selecting Thirty Marketing to host your organizations Online Store!! As the Point of Contact between your organization and Thirty Marketing we wanted to get you up to speed on a few house keeping items. This will make it easier for everyone to go over this now.
How this works! This may be something we talked about already, but to review. You asked for a store with your branding. We made graphics, picked out 12-18 awesome products, and then launched a store for you. We keep that store open for 2 or 3 weeks. We only produce what is ordered in a store, we don’t mass produce t-shirts when we launch a store in hopes that we will sell 82 size large, color red shirts. Once the store closes, we order in all of the blank items. Now, usually we have to order by 2 or 3pm with our vendors, so if a store is open until Friday at midnight, we can’t even place an order until Monday morning. So this is why we say, stores close on Friday, but really we keep them open all weekend until Monday. If you order on Friday at 3pm or Sunday at 9am or even Monday at 10am, before the store closes, we will get your order made. Once a store is closed, meaning no one can order online anymore, we pull a sales report and order everything in. Items tend to arrive over the course of that week. By the end of the week, or early into the following week, we begin printing your stores orders. We print all the orders at the same time, per division. Meaning Screen Printing will print everything together. Embroidery will stitch everything together. Screen printing may happen on Monday, embroidery not until Wednesday. Sublimation is on it’s own schedule too. We try to group production as best we can but every department has different work loads at different times. But with in a day or two or even three everything will be done. When an order is 100% complete, bagged up, sealed up, we mark that order as complete, and the customer gets a completed order email.
Orders Ready? This is a question we get asked a lot, more than any other question, “I saw my order was ready, is everyone else’s ready?” We don’t know, on average we have over 100 orders per store, luckily software handles most of the process and letting us know what is and isn’t done. Orders are marked as completed in our system (and emails the customer) when that specific order is completed on our end. This does not mean all the orders are completed for the store. Every order is different, maybe it’s just a screen printed t-shirt, 90% of the time that order will be done first. Maybe it’s a t-shirt, an embroidered fleece vest with personalization and a coffee mug. That order needs to go thru 3 different locations before it’s done. If your group has selected Organization Distribution you, as the point of contact, will be told when ALL of those orders are ready. If there is a major delay or a major backorder, we will let you know so that completed and patricianly completed orders can be distributed.
A parent ordered the wrong item. If they ordered the wrong size or color, and we can correct it prior to any production/printing, we absolutely will change a size, color, etc. We produce items for your store as they are ordered. We do not sit around with 25 size large t-shirts with your logo on it in our inventory. When this happens 9 times of out 10 there is nothing we can do, our policy is no returns, refunds or exchanges on custom products. However, we do our best to work with the customer, giving the situation.
Problems with an order that was received. Fortunately, over the last few years, this has been a very low category we have to deal with. We are actually pretty proud of that. But hey, sometimes things happen. If someone mentions to you that they had a problem with their order, please tell them to contact us directly. Do not try to be the middle person. This helps us to quickly solve the problem directly with the customer. Plus, do you really want to deal with something else? We got it under control.